Ways To Help The Sick

16 Oct

There are several specific features of the sick person. In the first all people must realize that only he is able to transmute, ie eliminate the existing order of sedimentary material (the state of their bodies). Transmuting – this is some kind of pre-programmed destruction, followed by a conscious evolutionary improvement. For more specific information, check out Dean Ornish M.D. Below I will discuss in more detail the three issues that you recommend to change doctors in your daily activities: Learn how to think! Emotional mood of a person one of the most important parameters that must be kept clean. That the feelings are not voiced, then to be understood, is true, can not, for the generation of the human senses provide energy to understanding the mind clear. Educate yourself with thoughts from AG1. The depth of understanding and the quality of consciousness depend on the sound of feelings. In other words – you need an independent daily work of someone who wants to get rid of their problems.

Means to achieve enlightenment one – in-depth thinking. Different ways. But in each case means used up to achieve the goal, that is, thinking must be systematic, daily, without a sharp change in fashion, but with a gradual deepening it. In doing so, people will begin to alter their thought forms. This in turn will deliver him from envy, laziness and fear. In-depth reflection begins with a reflection in words, but with the degree of deepening and the expansion of consciousness in the thought provoking to move from words to phrases, then to the concepts, the ideas, the concepts of blocks.

Stuttgart Treatment

21 Jul

Decision support for finding a dentist in a new town to find a reputable dentist in Stuttgart no matter where one lives, there comes the day of truth for the need to take a look around, if you are not already in treatment by a dentist. Must change when you have perhaps the place and now in Stuttgart, then the question arises after a dentist who can provide competent and virtually pain-free services. But dentist is not necessarily not equal to dentist, also in Stuttgart, Germany. As for internal medicine, also specialists who have been concentrating on specific indications and forms of treatment at the dental professionals. This means that the choice of dentist can largely be dependent on desired performance. With the special services of the dentist, Stuttgart can occur also to special costs, which should be determined in advance carefully avoid a rude awakening (not only from the anesthesia). Helpful when choosing a dentist, you can Yellow pages be where the specialization of most Stuttgart dentists should be clearly marked.

More information can be given but also by the health insurance companies. In this way ensures that the specialist takes care of my teeth, which is best suitable for the required treatment. This is of particular importance when it involves an unusual dental treatment requires a special training on the part of the dentist. To find a dentist in Stuttgart, which is able to pull a tooth, or to repair a caries conditional hole, should not be very difficult present themselves. Differently it looks at more complex indications.

“A good guidance is, once a private sight-seeing-tour” through various Stuttgart dentists and seek advice from the medical support staff on-site. This you should put together before a deliberate questionnaire himself, quasi as a standardized question concept for all offices visited to after finished questioning easier to one Decision to be able to reach. But what can make the yellow pages, can the Internet long. Today, the website is no longer a luxury product. An own Web page belongs not only to the good sound, but is also a second card for your own business. The physicians also have understood this in the meantime. Hardly a doctor, a dentist who has not its own Web page, which informs the potential customers/patients a wealth of important initial information. Particularly the specialized dental practices emphasize and describe their specialization usually, so you can pull valuable conclusions on the question of the Web page, whether this or that practice can meet my needs.


3 May

A neurotic person is, simply, a person who suffers. That he suffers a lot. The neurosis concept is synonymous with excessive emotional pain, with the corresponding psicoconductuales aftermath. These sequels can be of many types (anxiety, phobias, depression, aggressiveness, hyperactivity, addictions, obsessions, fears, problems of personality, etc.), but, in general, all of them share a same nature, only one meaning. What are these? What is neurosis and como se cura? From a psychodynamic approach, we can view neurosis from many angles and, therefore, define it in several ways.

Por_ejemplo, we can say that: 1) the neurosis is a conflict. Certainly, it is the outcome of a conflict, usually unconscious, between the feelings that the subject really feel but dare not admit and show feelings/behaviours that believed itself bound by received education and social, to express requirements (p. ex., pain, anger, fear, guilt, attachment, self-disrespect, etc.). Of this contradiction of this clash, usually arises an intermediate mask, a more or less distorted feeling/conduct, which we call the symptom. A set of symptoms is called disorder.

(2) The neurosis is a lock. As a result of the previous conflict and its derivative symptoms, the person can not flow and adapt easily to the reality, jams, fails here and there (couple, work, social relationships, projects, happiness, etc.), it suffers a lot through it all. As a result, their symptoms are feedbacks and perpetuate. (3) The neurosis is a defense. Against what? Precisely against her most secret and unbearable pains: his heartbreak, their traumas, their fears, their repressed feelings, his childhood lost forever, its responsibility to take care of yourself / a, etc. 4) neurosis is a strategy. Paradoxically, the neurotic symptoms also offer its advantages, because they give the subject the opportunity to be the center of attention, claim love and pampering, dominate the environment, prevent life and responsibilities, etc. Thus, the neurotic, for convenience and laziness unconscious, resists without knowing it to be cured. (5) The neurosis is immaturity. The above is a demonstration and, at the same time, an enhancer of the secret infantilism – or narcissism-of the neurotic that, ultimately, is nothing more than a scared child stuck in the past, avoiding life, giving up his freedom. The neurotic, in sum, paradoxically clung to their problem, refuses to grow. Como se cura neurosis? If this is, as we have seen, the encrypted expression of a conflict, a lock, a defense, a strategy and a form of immaturity, then healing will require exploring and bringing to light, with courage, the basic conflict of the subject for, with the help and support of the therapist, revive them without masks and overcome them with patience and responsibility. One will have to discover, accept and learn to live with the hardest truths of himself and his environment, past and present; will have that mourn, infuriate you and abandon their feelings of guilt; exceed, in the end, their latest children’s resistance. You can then assume, without fear, with self-esteem and with a more bearable pain, that I no longer need to continue running away from myself, because I feel fully capable of dealing with my past, my life and my destiny. And only then happiness will start to come into his life. This is the process of psychodynamic therapy. JOSe LUIS CANO GILPsicoterapeuta and writer.

Skin Diseases Dermatitis

26 Apr

Skin zabolevaniyDermatity – inflammatory skin reaction in response to environmental stimuli. Distinguish between contact dermatitis and drug reaction. Contact dermatitis occur under the direct influence of impact of external factors on the skin, past drug reaction initially penetrate into the internal environment. Dermatitis: etiology and pathogenesis. Stimuli, conditional dermatitis, have physical, chemical or biological nature. The so-called obligate stimuli cause a simple (artificial artefitsialny) dermatitis in everyone. These include friction, pressure, radiation and temperature effects (see Burns and Frostbite), acids and alkalis, some plants (nettles, fraxinella, acrid buttercup, euphorbia, etc.).

Optional irritants cause inflammation of the skin only in individuals with heightened sensitivity to them: there is an allergic (Sensibilizatsionny) dermatitis. Number of elective stimuli (sensitizers) that cause dermatitis is enormous and constantly growing. Greatest practical significance of these salts are chromium, nickel, cobalt, formalin, turpentine, resins, medicines, detergents, cosmetics, perfumery items, insecticides, some plants (primrose, aloe, tobacco, snowdrop, geraniums, garlic, etc.). The pathogenesis of simple dermatitis reduces to the direct damage to skin tissues. Therefore, the clinical manifestations of a simple dermatitis and its flow is determined by strength (concentration), duration of exposure and the nature of the stimulus, and lesion skin (dermatitis) occurs immediately or shortly after the first contact with an irritant, and the area of destruction strongly corresponds to the area of contact. Treatment of dermatitis reduces simply to remove the stimulus, caused it.

The basis of allergic dermatitis is monovalent skin sensitization. Sensitizers causing allergic dermatitis are typically haptens. Connecting with the proteins of skin, they form conjugates with complete allergens, which are influenced by stimulated lymphocytes, which is responsible for the development of sensibilizatsionnogo dermatitis as a delayed reaction. A huge role in the mechanism sensitization are individual characteristics of the organism: the state of the nervous system (including autonomic), genetic predisposition, transferred and comorbidities (including athlete’s foot), the state water-lipid mantle of the skin, as well as the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands.


7 Apr

We often hear the word “nutraceuticals” and did not understand its meaning in our lives. What is it? These are the same biologically active additives that enrich the products to improve their nutritional value. Because even good Supplements discredited by unscrupulous sellers, experts have introduced a new term “nutraceuticals” stressing that they, like drugs, clinical trials and meet the quality standards adopted in modern pharmacology. Among nutraceuticals – vitamins, fatty acids, some minerals and trace elements – calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, iodine, fluorine, amino, mono-and disaccharides, food fiber (cellulose, pectins). That is the substance in which the body needs daily, but do not always receive. Nutraceuticals as drugs in clinical trials and pharmacological meet quality standards. Experts recommend taking supplements, nutraceuticals for the prevention of premature aging and development of “age” of disease.

Determine which substances do not have enough your body will help a special analysis. These important for our health matter can be bought at a pharmacy or health food stores or obtained from fruits and vegetables. Short examples: * Allicin – found in garlic and different kinds of onion, including ordinary bulb. Reduces “Bad” cholesterol, cleanses the body of carcinogens. In combination with selenium effectively prevents breast cancer, reduces blood clots, reduces the risk of heart attack. Enhances immunity. In large quantities can be reduce blood clotting, so those who are already taking drugs, anticoagulants, caution is needed. Dosage: 2-3 cloves garlic or half a cup finely chopped onions (fresh or browned) per day. * Betaine – biologically active substance found in sugar beet.

Travel Insurance

25 Oct

It is recommended if you have a third-party insurance, expand it so that it covers the travel assistance to us. Do do hire a cheap insurance to third parties and adem? s that get us wide coverage, is not thing f? cil and better information should be? n before hiring him. Do do do are we going to deal with c? mo get a p? liza travel assistance lo m? s econ? possible micamente. A p? liza travel assistance must come included in our insurance to third parties. Do we will have to talk to the insurance company for which ampl? our p? liza including the travel assistance, which is very necessary if you are going to embark on a journey with his car with the whole family to spend the summer holidays. Do a major? insurers to include in your expanded insurance to third parties assistance in travel, what var? is what understands each compa?does a travel assistance and what the p? liza includes. Do so it must ensure that accident this cover assistance m? dica yours and all his family, ACE? as shipments to the hospital. Do Furthermore insurance of? your car also? n must cover car on-site repairs in case of sinister and being covered the service of gr? a. Do it is best to have a repair service that fix us the car at the scene of the accident to continue trip with our family and if it is not possible to be able to move it to the mec workshop? nico m? s close, all this covered of course by our insurance to third parties.


31 Aug

Do some surveys conducted by insurance companies in the market espa? ol, emphasize very striking results in some fields of insurance for cars. Do not s? try find the opinion? n of customers with respect to the prices of insurance for cars, but what are the preferences when choosing insurance or another. Do do the results of one of these surveys have allowed see c? mo a little m? s 45% of users have an all risk insurance and 54% takes your car insurance to third parties. This, sure, est? directly related to the different prices of insurance for cars that currently exist. Do do other data that has been obtained from other surveys highlight that the greater? of car owners are not spent m? s of 300 euros to the? or in the maintenance of the same. Another very curious fact is that ensures that nearly 80% of drivers est? in favour of not being able to smoke while driving; do do 21.7% confess that they only know the is? tr ales? fico m? s usual and 8.6% used the intermittent rarely. ?Qu? does happens with the issue of prices of insurance for cars? Apparently, do do these data are no longer so important for insurers since the competition is so strong that they know have that? Touchup? their rates constantly.

Massage At Home Or In The Cabin

30 Jul

The majority of people know about the benefits of massage. Many of them feel the healing properties of this procedure, decide to make massage more often, even regularly. And then in front of such people raises a reasonable question: Does the massage therapist at home or visiting massage? To answer this question, let us think about it and discuss both points of view. Thus, a massage parlor. What are the advantages of the procedure of massage in a specially designated place? Of course, the most important advantage of the massage room is that it is – a massage. It is specially equipped for massage. It is convenient to everything, there is a special table, in this study all have a masseur on hand. Masseur, as any other specialist, accustomed to your workplace, and therefore will do its job efficiently.

Yes, and the patient coming for a massage in a special place, will feel some concentration and, accordingly, be adjusted on its reception very carefully. But, of course, have a massage in the massage room, there are a few drawbacks. And the first one – is its distance from your home. Agree, is not often is that the therapist, to which you are accustomed (accustomed to the hands which your body) works in an office across the street. Chachto to popas a session has to go to the other end of town. Go to the bus, pushing. And if the court cold season, the pleasing effect of massage, to put it mildly, somewhat scattered, is not it? It would be simply amazing massage immediately after a cup of tea and relax in your favorite chair! Another small lack massage room, as banal as it sounds – it is the price. The price of massage in the office higher than the price of massage at home. And everything is explained very simply, because the masseur, but his salary, still need to pay the rent for , water, and so on. And while the massage room is not always convenient, we have to adapt. Now a bit about massage at home.

It is clear that your home is not a massage. It is not so convenient and rehabilitated to massage as a massage. While some massage therapists manage to carry a house on a massage table But on the other hand, massage at home is convenient first patient, and that’s, you see, is very important! The massage is conducted in convenient for the patient to time, at his home, where everything is convenient and comfortable for him. No need to go anywhere across the city. The problem with the job (massage table) is easily solved on the couch or just on the floor. In addition to massage therapist, working at home, it is customary to work ‘in the field’, the lack of a massage table is not confused by a professional. Immediately after the session you can relax, feeling full all the healing properties of the procedure massage. Prices for a massage, of course, lower than a massage, because there is no rental charges for electricity, water and so on. So, what’s better, a massage parlor or a massage at home? In fact, it all depends on the particular person’s views for the benefit of massage, its habits and mood. If you are staying on the massage at home, happy to offer my services. On them you can read on my web site in order massage.

Acai Berry Diet

16 Feb

Diet is known worldwide for its incredible health benefits, and not without reason. Acai berries are among the most consistent and nutritious food in the world. The Acai berry nourishes the body while providing excellent means of detox diets, and programs to detoxify the blood. There are many kinds of natural foods that are good for health, but few can claim to have as many nutrients as the Acai Berry. A diet of Acai Berry provides the body with sufficient evidence to in top form. The wide range of products based on offers various forms of diet with Acai Berry and enjoy all the benefits that this wonderful fruit. Acai: Dietary Products tablets are perhaps the most popular products, and fashion in the market, used to a diet with Acai Berry. Best of taking supplements is that it should.

While it may be particularly difficult for us to agree to make a juice in the morning or take freeze-dried berries to the office, Acai pills and tablets are much more portable and easy to take, without having to change your daily diet. The downside of taking Acai Berry tablets is the amount of deception and choriceos (in relation to the purity of the product) to be found everywhere. However, this can be solved if you willing to do some research. Anyone interested in acquiring the Acai Berry pills should carefully read the information provided before making the purchase Acai supplement. Another way of eating Acai Berry is in the form of juice.

There are many brands of Acai Berry juices available on the market. One of the great benefits of drinking Acai is the taste, as it is delicious and a perfect way to supplement their diet of Acai. While the juice is not very convenient to carry from one place to another as the Acai Berry Tablets, if he knows very rich. The main thing to consider when selecting your Acai Berry juice is the purity of it, as many manufacturers add a very natural ingredients to their formulas. Choose wisely and choose the one that ensure the purity of almost 100% juice. The Taste of Success Eating Acai berries directly is also an excellent way to get health benefits offered by the fruit. The best format is to buy dry (or dried) and frozen. Acai berries are highly perishable food, and in less than 24 hours after being harvested and show signs of decomposition. This is why it is very hard to eat these berries in their original form, unless you go to Brazil. However, if the berries are dried and frozen just after harvest, then retain all its properties and nutrients and can be offered for sale to the public. Acai Dietary supplements and the berries themselves are an easy way to maintain a healthy daily diet, and are essential to carry out a successful diet program based on Acai.

Efficient Solution

16 Jun

The conductive company creates a billing program online for freelancers and small businesses that allows savings of time and money FacturDirecta is the web application that has created the Conductiva company, with the aim of providing a significant improvement in business management for self-employed workers and small businesses. In times of crisis like the current in that reducing costs is one of the top priorities of any company, Conductiva has brought to market an innovative proposals that allows small employers manage agile and comfortable all the billing, create budgets, control maturities, control costs and manage the data of customers and suppliers. Save time and money, being able to easily access bills from anywhere, maximum security and confidentiality of information available and always use the most current version of the program are the main advantages of FacturDirecta. A service low cost, easy and intuitive operation asking does not install anything on the computer, already It can be controlled from the Internet. FacturDirecta is born with the objective of responding to freelancers and small companies faced with the impossibility of having the same large enterprises accounting programs.

Typically small businesses use the word or excel to perform your bills, two applications little suitable for this use and which can lead to disadvantages as duplication of documents or security in the storage of these problems. FacturDirecta is also informed in the armour of security and in compliance with the data protection law (LOPD) to overcome the mistrust that can arouse users have saved in Internet billing. The cost of the service adapts to the needs of the client, so that a standalone can use the free version if you have a volume low monthly bills, but always can contract a version of payment with more capacity if it increases the turnover. More information at: BlogRoll Tip saving Iprint I 10 printer tips for saving energy in the day World of the Earth Estereofonica EU Fucsia Blog Archive Jennifer Aniston to launch perfume FENALCO Lance alert by money-laundering trade Bogota and Colombia news Transmitter Radio Santa Fe 1070 am live Monotributo: higher categories shall submit declaration from June inforafaela.