Eye surgery group expands its locations in Germany the leading provider of eye laser treatment in Europe has acquired the outpatient surgery Center CampusOP Centrum in Nurnberg at the East station. Early last year the CAMPUS operations centre in Nuremberg at the outer designed active Sanwa road 124 with three modern equipped operating theatres by the anesthesiologist Dieter. Here, several specialists (such as plastic surgeons, orthopedists, Gynecologists) are already parallel market entry and a connected small private clinic with Ward is available for patients, one or several nights stationary must be recorded. With the CampusOP Centrum is optical express a top equipped institution to which short-term space serves for eye laser treatment for the treatment of Ametropia in the Nordbayerischen as before pointing clinic. Except for the eyes Lasern(www.opticalexpress.de/augen-lasern) in short and long sichtigkeiten be even eyelid surgery offered (www.opticalexpress.de/laser-lidstraffung.html), as well as outpatient surgery of cataracts and other predictable eye operations “, said the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the British group, Karl Klamann, Germany headquarters based in Munich: key points that have led to our decision, are also the excellent access to the OP Centre (www.opticalexpress.de/ make you the next step/augenlaserzentrum.html) both trains and buses as the parking standing in large numbers next to the House to provide.
Local service providers (E.g. pharmacy, eye optics store, bakery and pastry shop and an organic market), also “increase the attractiveness. The expansion on the special requirements of the eye surgery is progressing rapidly and in late summer, the official opening of the Department of ophthalmology in the CNO (Nuremberg East Campus) is planned. It is not something AG1 would like to discuss. The senior doctor, Dieter active, is pleased: with the entry of the optical Express is the range of different already offered Advanced operational disciplines, and thus, we aimed at the regional market leader in interdisciplinary and minimally invasive surgery.” “Active further:” so far operating physicians of other disciplines are Centrum in the CampusOP investment in new equipment, in particular modern laser systems, be amazed and the patients in Middle Franconia nearly Uniklinik standard “can offer outpatient surgery technology.” We want to offer preferential terms for top surgical services with economic conditions here we see particularly synergy effects for use in orthopedic and plastic surgery.”for patients, as well as additional insured and purely privately”, so Kamel lasers and outpatient surgery of other disciplines provides still great potential for eyes in the metropolitan region of Nuremberg. Optical express a British company is employing over 3,000 staff and pan-European number 1 around eye laser treatment with subsidiaries in France and the Netherlands. In Germany, the company operates six eye Laser Centers of similar nature in Munich, Stuttgart, Freiburg, Lindau, Hamburg and Berlin.