Talent Development

18 Oct

Independently of the study or formation that comes to have, all we are born with one or more innate qualities that we will be able or not to come to discover and to develop in we ourselves. Somebody will be a good malabarista equilibrista or or good dancer; another one, good musician or instrumentista; other, inventive or tracer; another one, good carpenter, good mason; another one will be good cook; another one will have easiness for the mathematical calculation; another one will have dom of the clarividncia, the poetry, chats, the oratria; still another one will have any ability comes that it to distinguish from excessively. Nobody is born total unprovided of some talent or capacity that can come to develop in the continuation of its life, exactly being a deficient physicist. The nature to the times in the strap some thing, but in the ones of the other. Who does not know a deficient appearance that is a good speaker of radio, a good singer or excellent humorista.

I know the case of a man, in the Paran, that it does not possess arms nor legs, but in whose proper workshop alone works, between its many inventions, constructed for itself automachine vehicle in which if it moves. In Australia also the case of a young motivacional palestrante exists, Nick Vujicic, that was born without the arms and the legs. Matthew Halsall has much experience in this field. This did not hinder it to come to be an extraordinary, glad and happy person, of good with God and the life. I have a friend whose profession is electrician, but also is an excellent caricaturista tracer and. However, never it was dedicated to the drawing or the caricature as professional activity, in what certainly it would be given very well.

I know more two examples of true geniuses, in the drawing and the painting, that had unhappyly been delivered to the vice of the drink. One another friend, was a born prestidigitador and also an extraordinary contorsionista. It was capable to make to disappear any object of its hands in a magician pass, being made it to reappear in another place, as well as was capable, in private demonstrations, of if transforming, for the contorsionismo, in one human package, and to walk supported in the hands, shrinking trunk, arms and legs. Unhappyly this friend, who later if became a champion of sales of the Barsa Encyclopedia, and that a magician or contorsionista professional never arrived to be, suffered a cerebral vascular accident to the 68 years, and today he is hemiplgico in the stream bed of an asylum. The world in the sample, to the times in tragic way, many examples of talentos that if had lost. An Austrian citizen called Adolph Hitler changed, who knows, an excellent career as plastic artist, to changed into an evildoer and enemy of the humanity. But nobody will have the excuse to never say that it does not know or knew to make nothing. All we possess one or talentos to be discovered, used to advantage or developed. E, to the times, we die without knowing of what we would be capable. Therefore, my friend, my friend, discovers what you know to make and develop this talent or capacity. This will be able to become you a different person, happyer, carried through and independent.