Hypersonic Airplane

6 Jan

The airplane at issue has an ugly name rather: ZEHST, by (Zero Emission Hypersonic Trasportation) but their benefits of commercial apparatus and passengers are worthy of film of Tom Cruise: it will fly at a hypersonic speed, that is to say, a Match 4, four times the one of the sound, 4,800 to 6,000 kilometers to the hour, twice more than the extinct Concorde. Under most conditions Gibson Dean would agree. In order to become an idea: it will unite Madrid and Japan in little more than two hour and a half. It will transport in each trip of 60 100 passengers. No training will be needed to rise, neither helmet, nor special clothes of pilot. The ticket will be worth (although still it is soon for knowing it) about 6,000 Euros (roundtrip, that yes). It will not contaminate and the turbojets destined to make him take off will work with seaweed. Source of the news: : The hypersonic airplane of passengers will fly in 2050

Entertainments Arthritis

18 Mar

Arthritis, is a disease of degenerative character, that especially affects the cartilage that has the ends you will articulate of the bones. It is a disease of wearing down of the joints. There are joints that once they have finished growing begin to present/display arthritis signs and it happens in all the people. The appearance of radiological signs of arthritis can begin normally to the 25 years in the dorsal column (average part of the back), to the 30 years in the cervical column (neck), to the 40 in the lumbar column (low part of espalsa) and to the 50 years in the knees. It only can be considered to the arthrosis like disease, when the magnitude of the degenerativas alterations (it wears away to articulate) is not proportional at the age of the person.

In general medicine one of each eight patients it suffers an affection of the locomotive apparatus. The artrsicas degenerativas affections of the joints majors (hip, knees) and of the spine, actually appear between the therapeutic problems more currents of every day. 80% of the diseases of the locomotive apparatus are arthritis. One of each five patients with arthritis outpost of the hip disabled person in five years will see itself less than. Reason why a diagnosis is fundamental and specific and immediate treatment of this disease, so that the same nonadvance, and if that had happened, it is due to try to revert the degenerative process.

At present it is possible. Symptoms: the fundamental one, is the pain to articulate, which is located in the spine (from very slight to very intense), in the hips, knees, hands, feet and other joints. When one is affected the neck, it can hurt not only that region, but also the head, arms, hands, orbitaria region and in some special cases, it can be accompanied of vertigo and mareos. In the movements of the affected joints it is possible to be noticed crujidos noises type or crackles.With time, the arthritis can lead to a limitation of mobility to articulate. Treatment: studies scientists of the last years have demonstrated that the cartilage to articulate is first that is injured and worn away in the arthrosis, and that the same can be, under certain conditions, stimulated to become to regenerate. At it they point the new methods of treatment for this ancient disease. The treatment can really be summarized: the 1 – against the pain and the functional impotence of or the affected joints, by means of equipment laser, generating stretchers of magnetic fields, electronic recuperators (capacitive transference) and 2 – second aspect of the treatment aims to restrain or to revert the artrsica disease, trying to reduce its evolution to the maximum. At present different types from biological weapons exist as they are it: the tending antioxidants, cartilages and other medecines to stimulate the cartilages you will articulate. The pain the joints is attacked of effective form, without indirect effect; and it is attacked thorough the problem of the arthritis so that it does not follow his evolution.

Miguel Barcel Expresident

12 Jun

The ex-president of the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government been has wrapped by the family, politicians and representatives of the civil society. Eduardo Zaplana, destroyed by the death of his son of 22 years, been has wrapped in the funeral by the ex-president of the Government Jos Maria Aznar; his wife, Ana Bottle, and the minister of Health, Leire Pajn. The ex-president of the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government, accompanied by his wife, the rest of the family, politicians and representatives of the civil society, has given the last goodbye to his sprout in tanatorio of Villajoyosa. Eduardo Zaplana Barcel, who had two brothers, died Tuesday in the local hospital of Baixa Navy, in Villajoyosa, after a little more one week in the Unit of Cuidados Intensivos (UCI). He suffered a pathology from his birth.

Other politicians Besides the autonomic ex-president and exministro Zaplana, in the family there are other political outstanding, like which outside 22 years popular senator Miguel Barcel, grandfathers of the deceased, as well as the present senator by the same party Agustn Almodvar, cousin, and autonomic deputy ngela Barcel, aunt. Several political leaders of the PP of the stage of Aznar have gone, like exministro Acebes Angel or the ex-president of the Balearics Jaume Matas. Also the president of the PP of Alicante and ex-president of the Delegation, Jose Joaquin Ripoll; the Secretary General of the PPCV, Merciful Antonio; the ex-president of the Delegation of Castelln Carlos Fabra and ex-president of Them Corts Julio of Spain, among others. Also, they have been in the church of tanatorio, finessed, journalist Pedro J. Ramirez, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante, Jose Enrique Garrigs, and the j of the hotelkeepers of Benidorm Greater Antoni. Source of the news: Aznar and Pajn accompany to Zaplana in the funeral of their son.