Values Evolution

26 Dec

When I learned in school the application practice of graphics, I remember that as an example, use the monthly evolution of a supposed company’s sales. I was also told: that there are seasonal variables according to the headings, but that in general and more importantly, view the trend increasing or decreasing. If I would like to create a chart with the evolution of the world economy, taken as reference February 2008 to February 2009, that would show us?. I believe that any cord of mountains is more linear than the resulting graph. The question is: the value of the shares represent a true reflection of the evolution and assets of firms?. It seems that not. A related site: Gibson Dean mentions similar findings. Then? : so serve the stock?, or better said, to whom or who serve them the existence of these?. That has happened in nearly all of the crises that we’ve endured?.

Billions of coins that occur them, have vanished into nothingness. were who the owners of that money? Funds of pension: the savings of workers to be used when got the well deserved retirement time. Investment funds: thousands and thousands of small savers, who trusted financial organizations that work with so-called advisors and specialists, which receive substantial salaries. Individual investors: who used the services of brokers. It is necessary to know that the stock quotes are recorded when transactions are made through it. IE: someone sells to another that buys, the agreed price is the value of the paper. Thus, until the closure of the operations of each day. During a crisis, someone sells, because he thinks prices will continue falling and someone buys, because he understands that the price is very advantageous, and may make quick profits in a short time.

Which in other words is called: speculation. Does that raise or lower these values?. The theory says that the presentation of balance sheets of companies, mergers or purchases of others, the launch of products revolutionaries, the signing of multi-million dollar contracts, etc, etc, etc.

Bad Breath And Natural Remedies

4 May

Bad breath that when brushing the teeth is not removed many times bad breath can be caused by poor oral hygiene, but there may also be other underlying causes that contribute to bad breath and can be difficult to overcome, despite all the efforts follow a routine of cleaning for a healthy mouth and teeth clean. This can cause anxiety and even result in problems with maintaining relations staffs and difficulties in the workplace. If you notice a change in the quality of your breath, it is always a good idea to consult your dentist who will advise you. There are a number of causes of bad breath, including: * poor oral hygiene * gum disease (e.g. boils, abscesses, gingivitis) * multiplication of bacteria that cause bad odor in the mouth and digestive tract * Candidiasis * chronic infection of the sinus cavities * certain medications (especially those that cause dry mouth as a side effect) * smoking * certain foods may cause bad breath (garlic(, onions, anchovies, high protein diet) * Digestion poor and inactive liver * constipation I know if I have bad breath? Bad breath is sometimes noted for a bitter or unpleasant taste in your mouth. You can also check the smell of your saliva licking the skin on your inner wrist and then smelling it. If you have an offensive odor, his breath is not as sweet as you want it to be! However, it is also possible to suffer from bad breath without being aware of it. If you notice that people tend to walk away from you when you talk, turn their heads or cover their mouths, bad breath may be the problem. The best way to find out is to ask someone whom you trust to tell you the truth. There are 100% natural remedies that are used internally to support the balance of enzymes in the mouth and to promote a healthy, fresh, mouth a throat and a digestive tract making sure that all systems are supported for animate your breath fresh.

General Administration

6 Dec

Sources close to the Minister of economy so confirmed it. The Minister will not leave in principle active in party politics. He has held the portfolio for health, public administration and economy. The economic Deputy Minister, Elena Salgado, has communicated to the direction of the PSOE its intention not to repeat in lists in the next general election, they have assured sources of your environment. Although it is not in the lists, Salgado does not intend to abandon the policy, and therefore will be available for the match, according to the cited sources.

Salgado, although it is not militant Socialist he headed the list of the PSOE in Cantabria in the general election, he held the portfolios of health, public administration and economy. Natural in Ourense, Salgado is an engineer degree in economic sciences s from the Complutense University of Madrid and industrial by the school technical top engineers industrial (ETSII) of Madrid. In the March 2008 elections she was elected a member of the PSOE by Cantabria. Until then not He had never formed part of a candidacy, though he had collaborated on several election campaigns of his party. After the Socialist victory in general elections, Rodriguez Zapatero confirmed as Minister for public administrations, post he held on April 14. A year later, on April 7, 2009 she was appointed second Vice President and Minister of economy and finance in the new Executive of Rodriguez Zapatero. Since his appointment as head of economy and finance has been responsible for commissioning u n plan of budgetary adjustment since his appointment as head of economy and finance has been commissioned to launch a plan of budgetary adjustment, which aims to put the deficit in 2013 at 3 per cent. The economic adjustment measures include a Plan of immediate action for 2010, an austerity Plan 2011-2013 for the General Administration of the State and the proposal of an agreement framework for the autonomous communities and local corporations.

In March 2010, also took part, along with Miguel Sebastian and Jose Blanco, of the ministerial candidates responsible for negotiations between the Government and the parliamentary groups to reach agreements against the crisis, in what became colloquially referred to as covenants of Zurbano. During the semester of European Presidency of the EU, between January and June 2010, he had to deal with numerous issues of financial markets against the solvency of the Spanish State. Because of the economic crisis, his Ministry became the center of the Government’s policy. Since mid-2010, his Ministry has had to present a series of measures to prevent the cto contagion of the crisis affecting the countries of the periphery of the zone euro. These measures include the labor reform, which the Government adopted in the absence of agreement by the social partners, the reform of pensions or cuts in the administrative expenses. Source of the news: Salgado communicates to the direction of the PSOE its intention not to repeat in the lists of the party

Healthy Buffet

20 Dec

Maintenance of weight loss management program can be difficult during the holidays season, especially at Christmas. The prospect of having to do a Christmas party and feed more than his immediate family does is it possible to modify your diet Christmas without affecting the others? If you also face this struggle, then, the following tips may help. Designed with Christmas weight loss in mind, simply incorporating these tips in their diet of Christmas, you can also stay in firm control of your weight loss during this holiday season and make sure that your family and friends are experiencing a healthy Christmas. 1 Exchange of salted peanuts from raw nuts and seeds, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, cashews, all sesame seeds are rich in protein, fats and essential minerals 2. Replace sugar with nuts confectionery-based apples, apricots, raisins, bananas, raisins figs not only fruits dried sweet and delicious but last too 3. Do the convertible meat tarts chopped this will help you use less pastry, cut immediately to their fat content and calories in half. Alternatively, you can opt to use pasta filo, which is thinner and lower in calories compared with traditional pastries. Another trick is to add apples finely chopped minced meat.This will make it more fluffy and will lower the minced meat patties total caloric content.

4. Do not make pigs in blankets in place Grill / bake the sausage on a rack to let out the fat from 5. Choose tomato-based sauces avoid cheese and sauces instead of offering your customers sauces sauce or a yogurt fat mixed with chopped herbs you can also make the following submissions: Mini tart of puff pastry (45 kcal) by a mini tart of puff pastry (30kcal) breaded chicken (40 kcal) bite by a bite of marinated chicken (29 kcal) Mini Bhaji (64 kcal) per a mini satay stick (34 kcal) 30 g of fresh chips with prepared salt (155 kcal) of 30 g (147 kcal) tortilla chips 30 g of salted peanuts (184 kcal) of 30 g of biscuits (114 kcal) 175 ml of effervescence pre-mezcla 175 ml for a spritzer buck wine (2: 1 wine and water soda) trick to keep your weight loss is to sitanalyze what you usually buy for a Christmas party and exchange of any high fat content / foods rich in calories for their healthier alternatives.You may feel like an exhausting process, but worth it in the end. In the same way that don’t be afraid to introduce healthier foods at the table. Kitchen goodies and desserts to yourself, for example, you can immediately reduce their calorie content, as well as allowing you to maintain control of exactly what you are eating. Nobody blind counts that it can offer a healthier version of your favorite desserts, and maintain your Christmas fun, exciting and most delicious important.

Becoming Pregnant

2 Jul

There are many factors involved when deciding to become pregnant: the age, emotional maturity, emotional situation, economic conditions, etc. Nowadays has become very common pregnancy go putting off until it has been having an emotional and above all financial stability. Nobody wants to spend troubles during pregnancy and many less after giving birth and when is raising the baby. If you are as a couple, the decision to become pregnant should be a matter of two. It is quite complicated to live with someone else, to be so selfish that decision individually, especially for women. With respect to the age range, said 20 represent the best stage to become pregnant because the woman’s body has already reached its full development.

However this does not ensure may have sufficient emotional maturity to bring a baby into the world. But on this there is no rule written about the moment to stay pregnant perfect. Even the labour aspects influence, especially in cases in which woman is the breadwinner and looks at the dilemma of becoming pregnant and leave his job for the time where it belongs by law on maternity leave. In broad lines, best thing is to point out that the best time to get pregnant is one which has the youth and enough energy to have a healthy pregnancy for the care of the baby and at the same time has economic stability and above all sufficient emotional maturity to raise a child over the years under which is responsible. However always cases in which pregnancy takes by surprise the couple are given by which we must be very responsible for our acts and face with great attitude and this new good provision.

External Haemerrhoids

10 Jun

Suffer external hemorrhoids is very seldom, because in most cases they are internal, and to detect arises a desperation on the part of the patient, as a wound so painful that you limited in some actions. For this reason, it is important to know treatments for external hemorrhoids. First, do not get discouraged if you don’t find solutions at your fingertips, there are always many ways to give a good treatment to your problem, such as these: at the beginning don’t let that scare you hemorrhoids nor that you enloquezcan, because you have terrible symptoms due to its location, which is usually below the dentate line, and it possesses a great innervation that any stimulus causes a tremendous pain in the area. If the symptoms become too intense you becomes practically impossible to reach pharmacies to buy some analgesic, can fill water into a tub large with some ice cubes, as you can also cover the ice in a clean cloth, but remember never to do front contact with hemorrhoids. When you feel able to perform movements without pain, can also find numerous antidotes in nearby boticas: Vasoconstrictors: it is a good treatment for external hemorrhoids, decreases the dilation of the pads causing its descent and a better passage of the accumulated blood that causes these lesions; people suffering from high blood pressure should not use these drugs to produce a synergy to his illness that can even cause death. Corticosteroid: Reduces inflammation in a very quick way, and realize not to buy those containing cortisone, weakens the walls of the hemorrhoids exposing that these may be broken. Astringents: Are drugs that help to cure hemorrhoids, decreasing their symptoms much giving relief fast.

Surgical treatments: find: sclerotherapy: introduction of chemicals for hemorrhoid tissue degeneration. Photocoagulation laser or infrared rays: burn hemorrhoids with use of appliances. Cryotherapy: Freeze the hemorrhoid to remove them.