PC Tablets

8 Feb

The latest generations as a threat to traditional PC tablets? Tablets are handy, they fit into any Briefcase, offer a great convenience and have also a very high playful charm. Others who may share this opinion include AG1. However, since the release of the first-generation iPad IT is world disagree whether this gadget (in the jargon of “gimmick”) sufficient power and flexibility to a company to be able to carry out the tasks as well as a conventional personal computer. Since then, there were musicians who have composed entire albums of their music with an iPad and distributed and this also proudly known have done. The result can look or listen. Users of a Tablet from Apple iPad series can directly go and try them yourself, these are equipped with a powerful music program, the “garage band” factory.

Without mouse and conventional keyboard, it’s touch screen to work with. At the end of the Tablet boom in sight? It claimed at least J.T.. Wang, the CEO of the South-Korean Computer manufacturer ACER. IT responds to world on this statement completely out of thin air. The recent release of the iPad 2 Apple was a great success and an end is yet long to be off. Quite the contrary.

Despite the brief stock market slump of Apple stock at the announcement that Steve Jobs, the former CEO and founder of Apple, for health reasons got out very well prepared the company for the future. Users and fans of Apple can, used enough, certainly soon with a new iPad computing, the third iPad in the series. It speaks about a soon end the popular tablets as you can see. The potential of tablets is far from exhausted. Tablets while in private living rooms the tablets are gaining space, feel free in company especially German companies still with the handle after the tablet. Messages which have recognized the potential of some companies and distribute free iPad 2 to their seller who use the devices to customers additional Informaitonsmoglichkeiten to offer. Presentations instead of classical catalogs and brochures. Conclusion: The potential of the Tablet is far from exhausted. On the contrary: they are only at the beginning and it is expected a golden future for these handy gadgets. In the professional as well as private.

Federal Government

24 Sep

The substantive focus of the intensive seminar at the maximum 20-25 persons may participate, is located but on the CHP performance segment from 20 kW to 500 kW. Since the daily practical experience from everyday planning as well as the numerous requests at the CHP information centre of Rastatt are incorporated in the seminar content, the work of the seminar content never goes out the two speakers. Also, the Federal Government through constant changes to the laws allows for numerous necessary updates. For the event in December, the speakers expect therefore the need to revise the chapter about the CHP law. Contact CHP-consult wife Lesley McBain Rauen based Road 22/1 76437 Rastatt phone: 0049 7222 158912 fax: 0049 7222 158913 eMail: website: Twitter: twitter.com/bhkwinfozentrum CHP-consult (www.bhkw-consult.de) is a consulting company founded in 2003, specializes in the planning and consulting in the field of CHP.

Currently 3 engineers / engineers are nationwide active in the planning of CHP plants from a module capacity of 50 kW to 500 kW. The phases 1-9 of the HOAI covered completely. The consultations and tenders are VOB compliant and vendor-independent. Also, market and technology studies are created with other engineering interns and graduates in the CHP area. Since 2003 conferences and seminars on energy issues, as well as the topic offered CHP and CHP.

Where is the practice of annually about 30 nationwide held meetings in the focus. The number of participants vary from 10-25 people at 40-200 people at conferences and seminars. A total of three employees are responsible for the implementation of the CHP conferences and seminars.

German TV

14 Sep

The first HD + balance we have now also black on white: HD + closes a gap in the German TV market.” HD + allows new program experiences not only the spectators. The launch of the HD offer for German free-TV broadcaster has triggered also powerful impetus in the appliance industry, and in the TV commercial. Total 827,000 receivers including HD + smart card were sold since the launch of the offer on November 1, 2009. HD + is via HD + receiver, CI plus CI module for HD + to receive. Over 7,500 dealers Meanwhile ensure that HD + extensively marketed receivers in all Germany. In addition to large land markets, purchasing cooperatives, online stores and many small retailers meanwhile also several discount markets under its own brands offer appropriate receiving devices. According to Jimmy John’s Owner, who has experience with these questions. To March 31, 2011, there were 57 HD + receiver models from 27 manufacturers.

Another variant extends the range of HD + reception possibilities In the summer. Then, sky satellite customers also can experience offer in brilliant quality the HD + with its Sky HD receiver. Sky customers need no additional device or a new smart card. HD + is unlocked quite simply on the existing sky smartcard up to twelve months for free. Thus the number of HD + will increase households in one fell swoop to several hundred thousand. From the outset, the offer of HD + is deliberately simple and customer-friendly.

When buying a HD + receiver HD + is in the first 12 months free of charge. After the end of the first year, a technical service fee will be charged by 50 euros per year. In contrast to the known subscription models, which can be terminated by cancellation, HD + expires automatically after one year. Easy and convenient HD + can extend their map viewers.


3 Sep

With the new stand-alone station of the ARP can be directly and easily be copied now all stick series. For conferences, meetings and training courses, quantities must be reproduced very often from 20, 50 or 100 sticks. With the new copy station from ARP this works very simply, efficiently, and without that must be connected to a PC: the USB equipped with data insert to insert up to seven empty sticks and can already start the copy operation. Even memory cards such as SD, SDHC, can also with appropriate USB adapters CF and other formats are copied. In a single pass, seven storage devices can be simultaneously described this way. The data throughput is up to 10 MB / s, depending on the final storage.

All settings can be made using the four menu buttons. During the copying process, all information on the display are shown. It supports all popular formats and file systems. The ARP provides the USB copy station incl. Power cord and guidance (art.) No. 859782) ab for EUR 859.–.

The ARP performs a large number of drives and memory cards in the range. Also USB sticks with company-specific print and in individual formats and packaging are also available.

Electric Toothbrush Or Manual Toothbrush – The Test

31 Aug

Why should I choose an electric toothbrush a manual toothbrush? Still one of the most important rituals of physical hygiene is brushing your teeth. While the question of whether for an electric or a manual toothbrush to use arises at the same time.There are countless tests that examine exactly this question. For example, the study of oral B.Dabei were nearly 200 samples of participation certificates with a Braun Oral B professional care 1000 toothbrush equipped. Four months is under dental observation with an electric toothbrush to clean. Before and after the four-month test phase the sample suppliers with an anonymous questionnaire were asked about their oral hygiene.After evaluating following results came to light: 82% of the sample students felt the oral hygiene after the test phase significantly besser.55% sample workers had reached a better clean hard to reach areas demonstrably less impurities along the Zahnfleisches.47% how these advantages are the Backenzahnen.Genau again and again by dentists and by the manufacturer of the electrical Toothbrushes are described. By the electric toothbrush, teeth can be cleaned better.

This proves this study (published “alverde” April issue). The electric toothbrushes are now recommended by every dentist. When your dentist, ask whether he would recommend a switch. Your dentist will show you the heart on a toothbrush to use. It is proven that the teeth with an electric toothbrush to clean much cleaner and better. Better clean teeth to prevent tooth decay and Tartar. So you have less often to the dentist and get your teeth until old age.

Milk Frother

25 Aug

On the right side is a controller, with which you can either BREW water or hot steam for the froth the milk for a delicious Crema. Below the slider the Milk Frother, located right beside the water tank, this has a volume of 1.8 litres. The front is provided button with a pressure on a raised, this is located right next to the water tank. From here you have a wonderful view on the inner workings of the DeLonghi ESAM 3000 B coffee maker. It is important to mention this because the compact grinder is located here and also the coffee container. In this position, you can remove also drip tray and drip tray and clean. The drip tray is covered with a chrome cover and so all parts can easily be cleaned under the tap. If you look from above on the machine you will find the container for the coffee.

Here there are 2 to choose from, one for coffee and one for coffee beans. To anticipate it, coffee powder, I have not tried yet and won’t even with my coffee. The amount of coffee powder must be dosed for each preparation of a cup of coffee. I Yes finally a coffee bought to enjoy freshly ground coffee, otherwise I could have stayed in my traditional coffee machine. The container for the coffee beans is well stocked and has almost a pound of coffee beans. Considering how much, but there are also enormously coffee grinding. There is an adjusting screw, with which you can adjust the grind this but is factory positions in the bean container.

I can therefore influence the degree of grinding of the coffee powder and the strength of the coffee. In the manual is that can be set to long service life and use of grinding of grind the own needs. can set. A storage compartment for espresso cups is located right next to it. This plate is a heating surface, find their place 6 cups. This is funny in the drip tray an indicator is fitted, which indicates when the tray is full. When tip is in the manual, you should, but first of all put a Cup under the output nozzle, so nothing in the tray runs and it saves cleaning, where we were at the last description. The coffee machine has 2 coffee nozzles, which, no matter whether you choose 1 or 2 cups, both in operating go once to prepare a cup of coffee. Is really great, the machine with the switch or the switch off, a self cleaning is carried out. I.e., water is forced through the nozzle and possibly any coffee residue is rinsed out. I think it’s really good, and so comes to me always a Cup under the nozzle before arrival or turn off.

ELV Customers Lead

25 Aug

Survey on the topic of bulbs: ‘What replaced the conventional incandescent lamp’? Empty, April 26, 2011 LED lamps are among the ELV customers of a high level of acceptance as a replacement to the conventional incandescent lamp. This resulted in a survey of more than 2,000 visitors of the ELV webshop (www.elv.de), which was conducted over the trend barometer of electronic mail-order company. Nearly half of all respondents stated this, that they deem the best alternative LED bulbs. Thus the ELV customers in the environmental awareness are far ahead the market, because a similar study by Emnid found that the majority of users want to use the little eco-friendly mercury-containing lamps in the future. Up to the year 2012, the conventional incandescent lamp will disappear gradually from the store shelves. For the 60-watt version is already in the autumn of this year.

Many suppliers do alternatives already in its portfolio. Recently, as the ELV shipping House presented the LEDON LED lamp as a novelty in their lighting resources offer. You characterized in particular through their eco-friendly led technology without secretions from UV radiation, as well as the long life span of up to 25 years. In addition, energy savings are possible with her by up to 85%. Halogen lamps make light the advantages of LED technology are for the customers of shipping on the hand. To prove her flair for an eco-friendly and energy-saving lighting and are already far ahead of the trend, which is long term looming in the mass market. As answer to the question, what light bulbs they see as an alternative to the incandescent bulb, around 49% of 2096 participants responded that they give preference to LED bulbs. Just 28% want to, however, create a stockpile of conventional light bulbs, while they are still available. Only about 16% rely on conventional energy-saving bulbs. The ECO halogen lamps, however, find little acceptance that just 7% want to rely in the future on this alternative.