Psychologists Organism

19 May

The work of the Epistemlogo of Piaget is, without a doubt some, one of the main contributions to the agreement of as the human being if it develops. Its studies, together with collaborators, in the Center of Genetic Epistemologia of Geneva had had, and have still, a deep influence on Psychologists, Pedagogos and Educadores in general and the agreement of the main results for it gotten is basic, so that the teaching activity is really productive and efficient. A basic concept inside of the piagetiana theory is of balance: the organisms livings creature would be always in search of the balance. From the notion of balance between organism and way a triad of concepts appears in the piagetiana theory that are basic and from which all the too much concepts of the theory are derived. It is understood for assimilation as being a mental process for which if they incorporate data of the experiences to the action projects to the existing operatrios projects. It is a movement of integration of the way in the organism.

It is understood for room as being a mental process for which the existing systems go to modify themselves in function of the experiences of the way. It is a movement of the organism in the direction of if submitting to the exterior requirements, adjusting it the way. To the process of regulation between assimilation and room of – the name of equelibrao. These are interactivos, therefore the fact of the citizen to integrate the data of the way and these to be assimilated allows that the projects evolve and that, therefore, they are capable to answer to the problem. Mental activities exist where it has a predominance of the assimilation (symbolic game) and others where it has a predominance of the room (imitation). ‘ is justified in one terms; ‘ abstraco reflexiva’ ‘ interioriza the dialctico process, through which the human being grows, if socializes, knows and if autodetermina (the knowledge cannot be treated as a fact but yes as a process).


21 Mar

Former:. ' ' 01 xcara tea of sorriso' ' , ' ' milk of fidelidade' ' , ' ' sugar of vitria' ' etc. The pupil gave account to present structures of the culinria prescription, but if he confused in the proposal, since the waited one was to produce a poetry from the structural and composicionais aspects of a prescription. Pupil D Pupil D: Heading of the text: ' ' Cruzeiro' '. Narrative in third person in all the text, of completely impartial form, detaching only the qualities and prestgios of the teams personage. The text if approaches the sort more than prescribes of what of the sort poem due to absence of you rhyme, estrofes and verses. However, the pupil structuralized its text in two parts, Ingredients and Way of Preparation, as in a prescription, substituted products of the prescription for elements related to the sport, but did not take care of to the proposal in the question poetry.

Pupil and Pupil E: Heading: ' ' Soup of sentimentos' '. The heading is well sujestivo for a poem-prescription and the literal structure if it approaches to the sort prescribes. The text is separate in two groups, Ingredients and Way of Preparation, as if it characterizes a culinria prescription, however does not take care of how much to the proposal, that is to produce a text poetical to apartir of the prescription. Pupil F Pupil F: This pupil gave to its text the heading of ' ' My Orgulho' '. One is about a text very elaborated well, however, was what less it took care of to the expectations in what says respect to the proposal. The production was not come close nor to the prescription, nor to the poem. The pupil intended to give a homage to the teams and not to construct a poetical text from the literal and structural elements of the culinria prescription.