The Cooling

29 Mar

Brief description. Deutz engines are ideal as a drive for versatile use in industry, agriculture, vehicles and shipping. Since the cooling water is not used, greatly simplifies maintenance and does not arise problems such as leakage, cavitation, corrosion and prevent freezing. From experience we know that the cause of more than 50% of all damage to the engine with water cooling is the cooling system. Characteristic features of air-cooled engines Deutz is the following: Individual cylinders and separate heads tsilindrov.Integralnaya cooling system that requires almost no maintenance.

On choose a control that works according to the desired nagruzki.Pri supplied with two-stage combustion engines to meet specific requirements to waste gases (eg, for use in underground conditions). Diesel engines, air-cooled Deutz differ little noise, which has been repeatedly confirmed by comparing the measurement data engines with air and water cooling. Development of row engines derived from the needs of the engines of small width, designed for specific applications, such as rotating platform vehicle with a crane, road-building machinery, etc. The advantage of V-twin engine is primarily a compact design and light weight. Engines in this series are the most diverse applications for trucks, buses, agricultural and construction machinery, compressors, vehicles for movement along the rails, plants and other industrial purposes. Increasingly, these engines are used as a ship's drive as well as for all increasing pollution of water cooling system can fail.

Workflow with direct injection of Deutz. 1. Fuel injection is carried out on well-proven method of direct injection. 2. Other leaders such as Donald Sussman offer similar insights.

Two SimCards

27 Mar

Recently, almost all mobile phone manufacturers are trying to offer the mobile market new models of phones work with two sim-cards. Educate yourself with thoughts from Newcastle University. In Russia, especially the company succeeds SAMSUNG, whose phone DUOS series are known to almost all mobile phone users. Fly Company even completely switched to the production of these phones. Phones for two sim-card of the company as widely known and well popularity primarily due to the nice low price. But by Nokia, a well-known leader in mobile phones, not rushed to fill up their phone number dvuhsimnikami.

However, as stated in the company, already in early 2010, will be created the first dvuhsimniki Nokia. Well, someday it was going to happen, because the demand for mobile phones work with two sim-card is obvious. Until recently, these phones were not very popular because of their shortcomings, which successfully corrected in the latest mobile phone models. With regard to the major shortcomings that were inherent dvuhsimnikam, it was: high price, relatively large size, small Battery performance is not a perfect mechanism of the two sim-cards, which had a lot of inconvenience. But now it is in the past, and today successfully secured dvuhsimniki in the mobile market. As has been said above their phones that work with two sim-cards offered by many manufacturers of mobile phones. But as it turns out, among their number can be identified only a few phones that are worthy of attention and advanced demanding user. Among the most significant patterns can be noted such as phones Samsung B5722 Duos, Samsung C6112 Duos, LG KS660, Fly E145 (not yet on sale). We are looking to wait for two phone sim-card from Nokia, though do not expect much from the first models.

Thai Massage

27 Mar

Some people deep depression is a feeling of light pressure, while others with experiencing unbearable pain. The same goes for flexibility and the ability of muscles to stretch. It is important to understand just how far you can stretch the muscles of a patient and apply pressure on his body. Too sharp pressing always causes pain, so be sure to start with a light pressure and gradually increase it. Keep track of the state of his patient, and you will understand when to stop violent action. It is necessary that the patient he told you not too strong it seems to stretch. Of age does not depend on the degree of flexibility and pain threshold. People who are lifelong care of your body can be amazingly flexible, and in old age.

Session Thai massage is in full within two to two and a half hours. But this does not mean that in a shorter time to effective massage possible. If time is limited, it is better to focus on any parts of the body and make the most impact on them than trying to do the full range. If you are unfamiliar with the Thai system, do not try to perform complex tricks up until not mastered basic. Physiotherapist in necessary to monitor the situation of his body, so its weight was distributed evenly, otherwise you may damage your own muscles. By pressing and stretching should involve the whole body weight, rather than using only the muscles hands. The masseur should have the same comfort as the patient, because discomfort prevent him concentrate and disrupt the harmony of movements necessary for Thai massage. So what's the secret of Thai healing? The answer is that it allows the muscles to maintain proper distribution of energy in the body, it maintains the elasticity of the muscles, which contributes to their harmonious functioning.

The efficiency of muscles that a joint is determined by the difference of its length in a relaxed and able to work. When a muscle is strained, it always becomes shorter. If you force the muscle too, or, conversely, does not train her, that is, for one reason or another, limiting its movement, it loses its elasticity, eventually, straining this muscle, you will feel pain – a characteristic feature of the aging process. Muscle weakness can lead to uneven load on the spine – a very important part of the body. As a result – back pain, lower back, neck and headaches, which are rapidly becoming chronic. With the help of Thai massage can stretch any muscle, and the positive results you will achieve much faster than using other systems of massage. Thai massage should not be considered simply as a set of physical exercises, in which case you do not expose all realize its potential. Must take into account the importance of exchange of internal energy between the bidders. It is always a two way process, and the result depends on how strong psychological relationship between the massage therapist and his patient. If two people wish to achieve a harmonious exchange of life force, an ideal tool for this – Thai massage.

The Studs

25 Mar

In the absence of special key, you can use the four-sided key that is available to motorists. ic. The ideal place would be dismantling the piano non-residential premises, but most likely you will have to conduct the operation in the apartment. So free of unnecessary items room, try to make it a corridor. If you work alone, it is necessary to note that for security purposes will require a significant amount of time. In this case, do not forget to the start of work to prevent young children, the disabled, elderly, people suffering from mental disorder in this room that, as said before, do not put them in a negligence injury. In place indiscriminately to cover the floor with several layers of cloth-product, we mean living quarters, as the later, you will need to pour water Pegs mechanism for less physical effort by twisting groves of virbilbanka. Originally decide the question of lighting, the more you have lighting, the better will be your work.

It should also be provided for the disassembled parts sladirovaniya piano. Transgress to the immediate dismantling of the piano. Remove the upper and lower lids, they are fixed with 2 turntables and one for the upper strut to the bottom, respectively. Remove, traffic on a ledge (the cover covering the keyboard). Pull gammerbank (Hammer), which is fixed with 2 or 3 screws, removing them first. In some cases, the studs are sitting tight on the basis of the mechanism so you have to with a hammer gently dislodge them from the seat.

Nazi Spain

22 Mar

Looked film Pan's Labyrinth noble Mexican filmmaker Guillermo del Toro. This is the second film trilogy that began backbone of the Devil and the extended film Shelter. The film though is not new, but impressed by the most powerful, and therefore decided to write. Filmed entirely stylish and colorful, the plot half-fairy, but the film itself is creepy, dark and heavy. Reality and the world beyond the film intertwined so that you can not always understand where the first, and where the second, and this is not least – thanks to the excellent camera work.

Psychology, mysticism, magic, historical and social moments in the film – it all resonates in the soul of the child. We are in the film, as in the other two, is about orphans in a Nazi Spain. Children, which is typical for films Guillermo, matured early, and the world see and understand the deeper, cleaner and sharper than other adults. Any child need to communicate, or it soon rose and began to live their own, inner life, which he very early age not to grow up. Outside, though, it's not immediately noticeable. But the reality for the child becomes a parallel. As can be seen here – the mother of Ophelia in death (pregnancy is hard), and stepfather with the Ophelia very busy nelaskov and their grown brutal Nazi deeds, so it is left to its itself. So, a little girl named Ofelia arrives with her pregnant mother and stepfather – the captain of the Nazis – the location of the parts in a big old house.

Entertainments Arthritis

18 Mar

Arthritis, is a disease of degenerative character, that especially affects the cartilage that has the ends you will articulate of the bones. It is a disease of wearing down of the joints. There are joints that once they have finished growing begin to present/display arthritis signs and it happens in all the people. The appearance of radiological signs of arthritis can begin normally to the 25 years in the dorsal column (average part of the back), to the 30 years in the cervical column (neck), to the 40 in the lumbar column (low part of espalsa) and to the 50 years in the knees. It only can be considered to the arthrosis like disease, when the magnitude of the degenerativas alterations (it wears away to articulate) is not proportional at the age of the person.

In general medicine one of each eight patients it suffers an affection of the locomotive apparatus. The artrsicas degenerativas affections of the joints majors (hip, knees) and of the spine, actually appear between the therapeutic problems more currents of every day. 80% of the diseases of the locomotive apparatus are arthritis. One of each five patients with arthritis outpost of the hip disabled person in five years will see itself less than. Reason why a diagnosis is fundamental and specific and immediate treatment of this disease, so that the same nonadvance, and if that had happened, it is due to try to revert the degenerative process.

At present it is possible. Symptoms: the fundamental one, is the pain to articulate, which is located in the spine (from very slight to very intense), in the hips, knees, hands, feet and other joints. When one is affected the neck, it can hurt not only that region, but also the head, arms, hands, orbitaria region and in some special cases, it can be accompanied of vertigo and mareos. In the movements of the affected joints it is possible to be noticed crujidos noises type or crackles.With time, the arthritis can lead to a limitation of mobility to articulate. Treatment: studies scientists of the last years have demonstrated that the cartilage to articulate is first that is injured and worn away in the arthrosis, and that the same can be, under certain conditions, stimulated to become to regenerate. At it they point the new methods of treatment for this ancient disease. The treatment can really be summarized: the 1 – against the pain and the functional impotence of or the affected joints, by means of equipment laser, generating stretchers of magnetic fields, electronic recuperators (capacitive transference) and 2 – second aspect of the treatment aims to restrain or to revert the artrsica disease, trying to reduce its evolution to the maximum. At present different types from biological weapons exist as they are it: the tending antioxidants, cartilages and other medecines to stimulate the cartilages you will articulate. The pain the joints is attacked of effective form, without indirect effect; and it is attacked thorough the problem of the arthritis so that it does not follow his evolution.

Blocking Industrial Installations

18 Jul

Increase safety – reduce risks damage and avoid with lockout-tagout systems Lockout / Tagout are Wartungsblockier – and labelling systems that are used to machines, during maintenance, maintenance and repair work to secure. Thus achieve a safe working and prevent persons and damage to property. Systems also serve Lockout-Tagout to hedge against their own errors or mistakes. The range of the macro id Lockout-Tagout solutions includes a variety of lockout systems for mechanical and electrical hazards, lockout kits, locks, closing with accessories, lockout stations and lock boxes and security trailer, security systems, and much more. For various valve types and sizes, there is a universal interlocking that consists of individual modules in macro IDENT. By adding different accessories it can be used for a whole range of different valves. The universal lock is used for the blocking of open and closed valves. To the shut-off ball valves in sizes, there are nylon and steel, as well as non-conductive ball valve shutoffs.

A Prinzing”ball valve shut-off for open and closed position locked shut-off valves in pipes with a diameter of 12.5 to 31 mm (in the open and closed position and 50 to 200 mm only in the closed position. There are block systems for valves in various sizes and colors (red, yellow, green, blue). Ranging from a hand wheel diameter from 25 mm to large handwheels 320 mm diameter heat – and cold resistant barriers made of polypropylene are resistant to staining reagents available. Various general-purpose and mini cable locking systems macro can IDENT locking of valves, circuit breakers, breakers, etc can be used. They serve also to lock multiple control points to a device.

Interchangeable cables are designed to customize and use and in various lengths and Diameters available. There are universal interlocks for multicore and single-pole circuit breaker and circuit breaker without hole for electrical hazards. Similarly, macro has IDENT locks for oversized breaker, 480 and 600 Volt breaker locks, lock sets and miniature locking systems. All lockout tagout systems from macro to safely close IDENT from are available a wide range of security locks in different colors, with same or different cylinders, with master key and Grand Master Key. The master key and grand master key be used, that a responsible person (E.g., Department head) to the safety all used locks up and can lock.

Miguel Barcel Expresident

12 Jun

The ex-president of the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government been has wrapped by the family, politicians and representatives of the civil society. Eduardo Zaplana, destroyed by the death of his son of 22 years, been has wrapped in the funeral by the ex-president of the Government Jos Maria Aznar; his wife, Ana Bottle, and the minister of Health, Leire Pajn. The ex-president of the Valencian Catalan Autonomous Government, accompanied by his wife, the rest of the family, politicians and representatives of the civil society, has given the last goodbye to his sprout in tanatorio of Villajoyosa. Eduardo Zaplana Barcel, who had two brothers, died Tuesday in the local hospital of Baixa Navy, in Villajoyosa, after a little more one week in the Unit of Cuidados Intensivos (UCI). He suffered a pathology from his birth.

Other politicians Besides the autonomic ex-president and exministro Zaplana, in the family there are other political outstanding, like which outside 22 years popular senator Miguel Barcel, grandfathers of the deceased, as well as the present senator by the same party Agustn Almodvar, cousin, and autonomic deputy ngela Barcel, aunt. Several political leaders of the PP of the stage of Aznar have gone, like exministro Acebes Angel or the ex-president of the Balearics Jaume Matas. Also the president of the PP of Alicante and ex-president of the Delegation, Jose Joaquin Ripoll; the Secretary General of the PPCV, Merciful Antonio; the ex-president of the Delegation of Castelln Carlos Fabra and ex-president of Them Corts Julio of Spain, among others. Also, they have been in the church of tanatorio, finessed, journalist Pedro J. Ramirez, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante, Jose Enrique Garrigs, and the j of the hotelkeepers of Benidorm Greater Antoni. Source of the news: Aznar and Pajn accompany to Zaplana in the funeral of their son.

Brazilian World

9 May

It is lastimvel that one of the biggest events that Brazil will go to host in the decade is causing as many upheavals, impacts on the society, disagreements between ' ' poderes' ' greaters and innumerable superficial interests of that nothing they are for the best condition of national life. What it was to be a great chance to search the progress of our country, in the reality is being only one event in which all want to prove for the world that we are capable to carry through it. However, he will be same that we are capable to make it; if we are capable, will be that this would not be only one shelter so that the true problems of the country were occult while so waited moment it arrives? Logically that any nation is a privilege to be able to organize a party in which we commemorate and we twist of esportiva form, leaving of side the culture and the politics of each government, joining the entire world for a simple act of if competing (of civilized form) in one of the biggest esportivos matches that are the Pantry of the World. However, this honor all it is making with that our government is giving priorities to a future event, and if distanciando of the problems that the years must have been solved; everything is being made so that let us can, of some form, to impress foreign peoples, but if until today (in years of democracy) nothing it was made to impress Brazilian we, it will be that it is just that this is made for people who do not inhabit here and that they do not live deeply of our sufferings and you distress for injustices that happen with our people. Then, the truth is that they are if importing more with the stays of our visitors who, in the maximum, will pass one month and way in the country, of what with people who had been born here and until today they fight for the simple right of if having an education of quality, a good attendance the health and security. While our supreme power if worries about the comfort of our futures ' ' inquilinos' ' , to each day that if passes, younger they enter in the world of the violence, more children enter in the world of prostitution, more lives are lost for the traffic or for a simple wait in the line of a hospital; minors are the possibilities of studies and of jobs and greaters they are the possibilities to be assaulted and in them to take off a minimum wage so fast that much we work to obtain. It is inevitably sad to see that, today, a soccer departure gains more importance and has right more of what the life of a Brazilian.

Dealing With Illness

22 Apr

But sometimes it happens, is powerless before one way or another illness, and again we must turn to nature. I want to talk about his good friend Hunter, Artemov Anatoly Andreevich. Life is sometimes cruel and presents us with a terrible surprise. Thus, in a Anatoly day learned that he had cancer. He was put in hospital, the treatment did not produce a positive result and had to have surgery. But when the doctors cut it and determined that all too late, and sewed the seam back, nothing making. At such times it is very important so that people do not lose faith in life, and so were a number of people who would help him in this. Anatoly greatly loved life, and cling to any chance to recover.

Before you go to him home, he saw a neighbor in the ward, something drinking out of cans. He asked him, what you drink. Then he heard about the wolf and the splint. When the neighbor went to sleep, he stealthily, secretly took a sip of his few small sips from a can. In the morning, he is at home he felt that he felt better. From that day on, he became, he is treated, the wolf bast, after reading about him all that he could find. Doctors have written him almost die at home.

Since then, many years had passed, and he himself not only lives, but also help others who face similar trouble. All Feral twig given by the gods and who did not believe he did not live …. Unaware, perhaps, knowing the health of the wolf trail we blazed. Thank you Thank you so dull a branch beast as he oblige. Medicinal treasures of nature. Every hunter, probably watched as his dog, ill, begins to eat grass. And animals in the woods are treated with herbs, roots, mushrooms and shrubs. Bear after hibernation, so regain your strength, looks red root (bearish), deer treated themselves maral root fly agaric moose, birds treated swallow grass (celandine), ravenous beasts flee from bast worms and parasites. Our ancestors of knew them, and use of this invaluable, and a free gift of the forest. The most important animal in the forest Bruin Bear is asleep in the den, he sucks in the winter and spring, there’s paw Wakes Immediately seeking their roots in the root is the secret of great power he gives the beast Red root My father calls him because this bear is the strongest and largest. I went to get water into the ravine to the river for a long time to approach could not as it is overgrown with nettles and dense grass near the creek And the smell of perfume Mint is a thick smell of fresh, clean water I got water into the canister and a bunch of mint picked from a sweet tea I Zavarov fragrant tasty tea timber
