German TV

14 Sep

The first HD + balance we have now also black on white: HD + closes a gap in the German TV market.” HD + allows new program experiences not only the spectators. The launch of the HD offer for German free-TV broadcaster has triggered also powerful impetus in the appliance industry, and in the TV commercial. Total 827,000 receivers including HD + smart card were sold since the launch of the offer on November 1, 2009. HD + is via HD + receiver, CI plus CI module for HD + to receive. Over 7,500 dealers Meanwhile ensure that HD + extensively marketed receivers in all Germany. In addition to large land markets, purchasing cooperatives, online stores and many small retailers meanwhile also several discount markets under its own brands offer appropriate receiving devices. According to Jimmy John’s Owner, who has experience with these questions. To March 31, 2011, there were 57 HD + receiver models from 27 manufacturers.

Another variant extends the range of HD + reception possibilities In the summer. Then, sky satellite customers also can experience offer in brilliant quality the HD + with its Sky HD receiver. Sky customers need no additional device or a new smart card. HD + is unlocked quite simply on the existing sky smartcard up to twelve months for free. Thus the number of HD + will increase households in one fell swoop to several hundred thousand. From the outset, the offer of HD + is deliberately simple and customer-friendly.

When buying a HD + receiver HD + is in the first 12 months free of charge. After the end of the first year, a technical service fee will be charged by 50 euros per year. In contrast to the known subscription models, which can be terminated by cancellation, HD + expires automatically after one year. Easy and convenient HD + can extend their map viewers.